About Ekaterina Estrin

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So far Ekaterina Estrin has created 270 blog entries.

What you need to know about Child Support

7 March 2022

If you’ve recently separated from your partner, and you have children together, it’s likely you will need to work out a child support arrangement. But what type of child support arrangements are there, who pays, and how much? Here’s a handy guide to the basics of child support. Firstly, the type of child support [...]

Are you inheriting a windfall, or just a headache?

7 March 2022

Dealing with an inheritance during a marriage or relationship breakdown can be tricky. Can it be counted as part of the property pool? What if there is more than one and and one substantial, while the other is quite small? And if you receive an inheritance after splitting up, can it still be counted [...]

What happens with property when a brief relationship ends?

7 March 2022

What’s the legal definition of a de facto relationship? If you only live together for a few months, does that count in the eyes of the law? And are you entitled to anything in a property settlement once that relationship is over? The Family Law Act has dealt with de facto relationship property settlements [...]

Vaccinations for Children

22 February 2022

The debate about the vaccination of children can be a passionate one at the best of times, but with the current Covid-19 vaccination now available to children and the increased impetus for that with schools having recently returned, the topic is coming to the fore in Family Law. What the Government says Currently in [...]

Does my working ex have to support me?

22 February 2022

Overseas it’s called alimony, in Australia it’s called spouse maintenance. It arises where there is a significant income difference between spouses at separation and the higher income earning spouse provides regular payments to the other spouse. So does it apply to you? Spouse maintenance is where a payment is made by one spouse to [...]

Divorce or annulment?

7 February 2022

Do you want a divorce or an annulment? Sometimes TV and other media, especially if from overseas, can give confusing messages. In Australia, they are definitely not the same thing. So, what is a nullity? Hollywood movies give the impression that “getting an annulment” as a way of ending your marriage is simple. However, [...]

What is an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

7 February 2022

Some cases in the family Court have an Independent Children's Lawyer appointed, and some don't. Let's look at what an ICL is and when they might be appointed. An Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL) is an experienced solicitor appointed by the court to represent a child. Usually, Legal Aid Queensland will pay the entire costs [...]

Grandparents, babysitting, and property settlements

7 February 2022

There’s no doubt grandparents are invaluable to families. They provide support to parents in a number of ways including taking on babysitting duties or even giving financial help. But can that “help” be counted during a property settlement? In a recent article, we addressed the court’s position in relation to financial support from grandparents [...]

Beware – real estate is booming

1 February 2022

As far as the real estate industry is concerned, the COVID-19 recession seems like a distant memory. While some aspects of the economy are struggling to recover from the pandemic, house prices are going through the roof. So, be careful! This is great news if you’re selling, and if you and your partner split [...]

25-year Accredited Specialist Recognition

11 January 2022

Our Managing Director, Michael Lynch, has recently been recognised by the Queensland Law Society (QLS) for 25 years as an Accredited Family Law Specialist. At the Award ceremony the QLS President, Elizabeth Shearer said “Queensland currently has 498 Accredited Specialists. You were from the first class and are, indeed, an elite group. The Queensland [...]