About Ekaterina Estrin

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So far Ekaterina Estrin has created 270 blog entries.

What can you do about harassing texting?

27 January 2021

A lot of personal communication these days is done by way of text. When separation occurs, texting can often increase in frequency and intensity. So, if it is too much, what can you do? What is it? Cyberstalking can include: repeatedly contacting a person by calling, emailing, texting, messaging or sending offensive material. monitoring [...]

Changing your child’s surname

11 January 2021

When it comes to changing your child’s surname, courts don’t usually look favourably upon it, unless it’s seen as being in the child’s best interest. A mother recently sought a hyphenated surname for her 8-year-old son. Here’s what the court decided. The applicant mother applied to the court to change her 8-year-old son’s surname, [...]

Domestic violence and its effect on property settlement

11 January 2021

There are a number of factors considered when determining who gets what in a property settlement. As you might expect, this includes factors such as; financial contributions, length of the relationship, who cares for the children, but it can also include a consideration of incidents of domestic violence. The reference to the acts of [...]

The Lighthouse Project starting

5 January 2021

The Court is launching a new Domestic Violence initiative in Brisbane next week, called The Lighthouse Project. The new pilot program which started last month in Adelaide, will now start a trial period in the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court in Brisbane and Paramatta, from 11 January 2021. The program will be initially [...]

Relocating – but not to where you asked to go…

21 December 2020

What power does the court have to direct a parent and children where they are to live? A mother has recently appealed against a judge's decision allowing her to relocate but then telling her to what town that would be. It is important to remember that the Family Law Act provides the Family Court [...]

We’re on the Doyle’s guide of recommended lawyers for 2021.

9 December 2020

Michael Lynch Family Lawyers are proud to announce the listing of two of our staff on the 2021 Doyle’s awards for Family & Divorce Lawyers. Our Director Tarah Tosh is listed in ‘Leading Family and Divorce Lawyers’ category. Tarah has also been recognised as a ‘Recommended Lawyer’ in the ‘Parenting & Child’s Matters Lawyers – Brisbane, [...]

Sharing information from your child’s psychologist in court

30 November 2020

During a family breakup, children often see a psychologist to help them. Sometimes the court may order children take part in sessions with a psychologist. It’s hoped the children feel secure in speaking to an objective person who can help them. But is what your child says to their psychologist a secret? Not always... [...]

Does your mature child have a say about where they live?

30 November 2020

Children often express their wishes about which parent they want to live with. The consideration that is given to a child’s wishes depends on a range of factors, but age is usually the first question. In a recent case the court considered the wishes of a 15 year old. In a previous article we [...]

Don’t delay – sort out that property settlement today

30 November 2020

Separation and divorce inevitably means a property settlement will need to be worked out but what can you do if your former partner is trying to delay settlement? Beyond that being frustrating, you need to be aware of time limits. It is usually not a good idea to try and delay a property settlement. [...]

Evidence from the hairdresser?

9 November 2020

Most people would consider the relationship they have with their hairdresser to be deeply personal. Indeed, the conversations between client and hair stylist would be thought of as confidential by many. However, that is not the case. Did you know your hairdresser can be called to give evidence about you? Here is such a [...]