About Ekaterina Estrin

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So far Ekaterina Estrin has created 270 blog entries.

Webinar for Accountants – Determining percentage entitlements in property settlement

3 September 2020

There is no 50%/50% presumption or (even) starting point when it comes to how property is divided between divorcing couples. The percentage is determined by looking at the “contributions” each party has made. This is an inexact science and will vary for every couple. This webinar will look at: The main categories of contribution [...]

How an injunction can protect your property

31 August 2020

Property settlements are one of the most common and often hotly contested aspects of family law. Injunctions are often an important part of that process and are generally used to protect the property of the most vulnerable people during a divorce or separation. So, what is it? What is it? As an example, a [...]

Court ordered drug testing and its impact on parenting

31 August 2020

Australians are known for liking a drink, and increasingly we’re known for “liking” other substances as well. According to Federal Government statistics, 16.4 per cent of Australians used an illicit substance in the past 12 months, with cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines top of the list. And while those same statistics also show that many [...]

Dealing with stress

31 August 2020

If there’s two words that have summed up the source of anxiety for many families in 2020, it’s “financial stress”. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people either losing their jobs or being forced onto a reduced income. Financial stress can have a huge impact on families.  And with the JobKeeper program set [...]

How a Family Report can help your children

31 August 2020

One of the most important questions for the Family Court to consider is the wishes of children. Parents often differ in their views of what their children really want, so to gain an independent understanding of a child’s wishes a family report is often obtained. So what is it? And how do you get [...]

COVID-19 border closures (August 2020) – Can I still see my children?

26 August 2020

COVID-19 is ever changing and continues to impact families worldwide. The Queensland Government has closed the border to New South Wales and Victoria. But what does this mean for your parenting arrangement if your partner lives with the children in a COVID-19 hotspot, such as Victoria for example and you live in Queensland? Can [...]

Border closures and family separation

10 August 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Queensland has once again closed its borders to NSW and the ACT. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that from August 8, only residents of border communities and essential workers would be able to cross the border and exemptions, including for compassionate reasons, would be limited. COVID-19 has had a significant [...]

Do you need to document a divorce agreement?

7 August 2020

Lots of issues can come up in a divorce but once the hard work of negotiating an agreement is done, the next question should be "What needs to be documented?” It is important to be aware of the options available when it comes to – whether? and if so, how? to document children’s arrangements, [...]

What is parental alienation?

4 August 2020

Decades ago, it was called ‘taking sides’ but now it’s recognised as parental alienation – where one parent attempts to turn their child against the other parent. It’s becoming increasingly common in custody disputes and it can take a range of forms. The term Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) originated in the United States when [...]

Severing a joint tenancy

3 August 2020

A lot of couples hold their ownership in real estate as joint tenants. If a separation occurs that can prove a problem as the law provides that if one of the "joint tenants' dies their share automatically gets transferred to the other 'joint tenant'. So, what can be done about it? There are two [...]