About Ekaterina Estrin

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So far Ekaterina Estrin has created 270 blog entries.

Michael Lynch makes it to ‘Best Lawyers 2020 report’

27 April 2020

Statement from the Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia – Parenting Orders

14 April 2020

The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia are acutely aware that the current pandemic is having an enormous impact on families and the Australian community. Parents are naturally deeply concerned about the safety of their children and how the COVID-19 virus will affect their lives.  Part of that concern [...]

What is Domestic Violence?

14 April 2020

Domestic Violence (DV) is a widespread problem. It is also widely misunderstood – as most people have a very narrow view of what it covers. Before you start thinking particular behaviour is okay – find out what DV really is! Domestic Violence Laws in Queensland Regardless of cultural background, age, religion or socioeconomic factors, [...]

COVID-19 helpful tips if you are separated

6 April 2020

COVID-19 information is at saturation point. If you are separated, it's important you are 'alert – but not alarmed'. Here are some simple and practical tips to help you navigate this time. Separated parents experience both the joys and stressors of parenting. But additional pressures and stresses such as those associated with the COVID-19 [...]

COVID-19 and Parenting Arrangements

1 April 2020

DIFFERENT PARENTING APPROACHES Children benefit from routine, structure and consistency. Therefore, in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19), parents should consider implementing consistent messages, educational practices and hygiene practices between households to the best of their abilities. Any agreements you reach surrounding COVID-19 should be in writing and may later be used to update [...]

COVID-19: health and wellbeing

1 April 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 has impacted people in varying ways on an international scale. It is understandable that during times like this, people may be feeling afraid, worried, anxious and overwhelmed by the constantly changing alerts and media coverage regarding the spread of the virus. While it is important to stay informed, [...]

Turbulent times and property settlements

27 March 2020

We have a pandemic, the sharemarket is in a bear market, the Australian dollar is at an historic low. It’s not great news. If you are going through a property settlement you are probably already alert and concerned about these issues. Here are some practical things to consider. What’s it Worth? Property Settlements essentially [...]

COVID-19: Family Law Legal Tips

27 March 2020

There are many legal aspects to family law: property, parenting, child support, domestic violence and more. At a time like this all of these legal issues can be significantly impacted. To help you navigate them, here are some simple practical tips: 1. Courts: It is possible that the COVID-19 pandemic will at some stage cause [...]

COVID-19: What are the courts doing?

27 March 2020

Change is the norm at the moment and the courts are no different. Updates are coming every few days. At the time of this article, here is the latest news from the court. At the moment all courts are still open however with very strict measures and means of communications. The courts must adhere [...]

Why see a Family Lawyer?

2 March 2020

Why see a family lawyer? You’ve separated or you’re thinking of separating. You’re in a difficult situation, it’s foreign to you, and it’s stressful to you. You need guidance and support you can rely on. What you’re feeling is normal and it is this assistance and support that we provide to people just like [...]