About Ekaterina Estrin

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So far Ekaterina Estrin has created 268 blog entries.

Concerned about holiday contact?

11 November 2019

Christmas school holidays are coming. That can mean different things to different people. For separated families it can sometimes raise questions such as, “Will holiday contact happen?”, “What if my child has said they want a different arrangement?” If you have any questions – call us now. In this article we look at some [...]

What are the most common parenting arrangements after separation?

11 November 2019

The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) just issued a report on parenting arrangements. It says that 3% of separated parents go to court, 97% don't go to court and 10% use family dispute resolution services to help them. It also tells us a lot about the types parenting arrangements that are occurring. Over [...]

Paternity and child support – beware!

11 November 2019

In a recent case a child was born after separation, the alleged father was not on the birth certificate and he disputed paternity. The mother applied for child support and was refused. Four years later the mother applied for DNA testing. What happened with Child Support? Child support The underlying principle of the Child [...]

What is family therapy?

7 October 2019

When going through a separation, families experience different challenges with parenting arrangements. Sometimes to better address these challenges the court will order different therapeutic treatment approaches. One such approach is Family Therapy. Let's look at what that is…> The Australian Association of Family Therapy (AAFT) says that family therapy helps people in a close [...]

Where should I get divorced?

7 October 2019

In the globalised world we live in, it is not uncommon for parties to have married overseas, have lived overseas for parts of a relationship, or for one party to be living overseas when a divorce is filed. In these situations, it’s important to consider which country is best when contemplating filing a divorce. [...]

Can I record conversations with my ex?

7 October 2019

With the popularity of smart phones, it is now easier than ever to make audio or video recordings of conversations with other people, with or without their knowledge. It’s tempting to use this technology to record interactions with your ex-partner and to then use as evidence in your family law matter. But can you?And [...]


11 September 2019

With R U OK? day just around the corner, we thought we would take the time to ask R U OK? Everyone knows most jobs involve some level of stress. Some people thrive on stress and it can also keep you alert and increase your performance in small bursts, however in the long run, [...]

Counsellors Webinar – Counsellors, Courts and Confidentiality

11 September 2019

This family law webinar for counsellors explains why client confidentiality is a crucial part of practising as a relationship counsellor and yet it is widely misunderstood. With the increasing role of mediation and other forms of dispute resolution, the provisions of the Family Law Act have come under increasing scrutiny. How do you best [...]

Accountants Webinar – “How to” of Property Settlement

4 September 2019

There are many misconceptions about how divorce property settlements are determined. This webinar for accountants will tell you if it is 50% / 50% or not? Are pre-existing assets included? What if one spouse has a significantly higher income? What about the inclusion of a family trust? In this 'Back to Basics' presentation all [...]

How does a court deal with furniture?

30 August 2019

Who gets the Thermomix? Who gets the new lounge? Dividing personal items is often very difficult. So what does the court do when parties can't agree? In family law property settlements, ‘property’ has a very broad definition. It definitely includes furniture, no matter who may have purchased it during the relationship. It is also [...]