About Ekaterina Estrin

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So far Ekaterina Estrin has created 270 blog entries.

How are HECS/HELP debts treated in family law matters?

9 June 2023

It is becoming more common for separated parties to have a liability arising from the completion of their tertiary studies, referred to as HECS / HELP fee debts. A common question we are asked is, are HECS / HELP debts relevant to a family law property settlement? The short answer – yes, but its [...]

High conflict individuals: some cases always end up in court

9 June 2023

Queensland has introduced new domestic violence laws aimed at combating coercive control. The laws will help victims by looking at a pattern of behaviour, rather than individual incidents and the new laws also aim to limit a perpetrators ability to re-traumatise their victims during the court process. However, in some cases, no matter how [...]

Retrieving a child from overseas – exceptions to the rule

9 June 2023

Taking your child overseas without the permission of the other parent could result in serious legal problems for your family. Before you leave Australia with your children, make sure you get consent from any person or institution with responsibility for the children, or get a court order permitting their travel. If a child is [...]

Don’t rush doing a pre-nuptial agreement

16 May 2023

A “pre-nup” or pre-nuptial agreement, is the colloquial or American term for a financial agreement. Under Australian law, financial agreements are complex and technical, and if they’re not prepared according to strict legal requirements, they can easily be set aside. Which means the court will deal with the couple’s financial matters. The court can [...]

Kirstie Colls has been listed in the ‘Best Lawyers Report 2024’

21 April 2023

Kirstie Colls, the director and Head of Family Law at Michael Lynch Family Lawyers, has been listed in the 'Best Lawyers Report 2024', recognising her as one of Australia's prominent Family Lawyers. With over 20 years of experience as a solicitor specialising in Family Law, Kirstie has earned a reputation for excellence and trust [...]

What happens to property and income acquired after separation

17 April 2023

Organising a property settlement after a relationship breakdown can be a complicated process. Many people are unsure about what happens to their income and assets acquired after they’ve split up from their partner. Generally speaking, courts do not require people to go into a state of “suspended animation” once their marriage breaks down, pending [...]

Who gets the family farm?

16 April 2023

There’s a lot of emotion and sentiment attached to a family farm, so when a couple who make their living from the land split up, it can cause a lot of angst. But who gets the farm? The farmer who may have inherited the property or the spouse who married in? And are farming [...]

Do overseas parenting orders apply here?

20 March 2023

It's important for divorced and separated parents to know that parenting orders made overseas can be registered in Australia. However, it depends on the country in which the parenting order was made. If your parenting orders were made in a country that is part of the Hague Convention, you can apply to the Federal [...]

Domestic Violence Protection Orders and Coercive Control

15 March 2023

On 22 February 2023, the Domestic and Family Violence Protection (Combating Coercive Control) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 was passed in the Queensland parliament. Coercive control involves a pattern of behaviour or ongoing behaviour designed to exert power and control over another person in a domestic or intimate relationship. Such behaviour can include: [...]

How to survive separation

15 March 2023

I have just separated. What should I do now? The breakdown of a relationship is one of life’s biggest events and greatest stresses. In the midst of the turmoil it’s difficult to know what to do. If you or anyone you know has separated, here are some tips on what to do next. Stay [...]