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So far Reception has created 205 blog entries.

New Infosheets

6 August 2018

We have just released family law new infosheets. The first (3) easy-to-understand visual guides are on parenting, resolution pathway and spouse maintenance. The infosheets simplify Family Law jargon and are handy to refer to. Find the info sheets on our website under Publications. If you'd like a printed copy, contact Michael Lynch Family Lawyers reception [...]

Can I Move with my Children?

31 July 2018

Relocation is the term used by the court where one parent is wanting to move a child’s living arrangements a significant geographical distance from the other parent. It is considered one of the most difficult and controversial issues in Family Law as it runs contrary to the concept of “shared parenting” in the Family [...]

NEWS: Government Announces Changes to the Family Court

25 June 2018

There has been a lot of news articles and media excitement of late regarding the Federal Governments recently proposing changes to the Family Law Courts. So, what is actually going on? On 30 May, the Attorney-General's department announced that the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia will be combined to [...]

Can I Stop Access if Child Support Isn’t Paid?

25 June 2018

When it comes to child support and child contact beware of making emotionally driven decisions or following bad second-hand advice. Two of the classic traps for parents that have separated are: Thinking that child support is a moral choice and that payment is therefore dependent upon how the money is spent; and That if child [...]

Who has to Attend Mediation?

25 June 2018

Mediation in family law is an alternative to having a court decide the outcome in your matter. A mediator’s role in Family Law matters is to assist a separated couple to sort through the issues and try and help them come to an agreement themselves regarding either property settlement or parenting arrangements (or both). [...]

What is the Family Law Watchlist?

25 June 2018

Separation can be a difficult time and reaching an agreement can often be complicated, especially when it involves children. A common situation where disputes arise is where one parent wishes to take a child overseas for a holiday. The parent’s communicated intention to go on an overseas holiday may be genuine, however in other situations the parent may [...]

How is Property Divided in a Short Marriage?

7 June 2018

The shorter the length of a marriage, the closer the examination of the parties’ relevant ‘financial contributions’ in a property settlement will be, particularly if there are no children involved. The court will specifically look at significant initial contributions, as well as financial contributions during the marriage, when deciding the property division. In a situation where [...]

What if a Child Doesn’t Want to see the Other Parent?

29 May 2018

What do you do when a child does not want to spend time with the other parent? It's a common question and the answer is never easy but here are some practical tips: The strict legal answer is that the primary carer has a positive obligation to facilitate contact time, but then it is [...]

The New Child Care Package

29 May 2018

On 2 July 2018 the new Child Care Subsidy (CCS) comes into effect which will replace the current Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR). These changes will have a big impact for many families. Here is an overview of the changes: The CCS is a new system by the Australian Government which [...]

National Volunteer Week

29 May 2018

This week is National Volunteer Week (NVW), the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers. Our Director, Tarah Tosh with our solicitors Debra Effeney and Belinda Jeffrey attended Women’s Legal Service Volunteer Thank you last night to accept their Certificates of Appreciation for volunteer efforts with the service. Well done! [...]