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So far Reception has created 205 blog entries.

Parent and Child Relocation Related to Job Postings – What Can Happen

5 March 2018

Child relocation cases are difficult and almost always focus on the applicant parent wanting to move with the child to a specific location. So when the court orders that an applicant parent can move ‘wherever their defence force job may send them’ it is important to stop and take notice. The court recently made [...]

ALERT: New Family Court Rules from 1 March 2018.

28 February 2018

The Family Court of Australia has recently announced that the Family Court Judges have approved significant amendments to the Family Law Rules which will take effect on 1 March 2018. The biggest changes to the Rules to be made aware of are: You are no longer allowed to have annexures to an affidavit. Rather, any [...]

How to Prepare a Divorce Application

13 February 2018

Often, separated parties confuse the process of Divorce with issues regarding property and parenting. However, a Divorce is a separate application. The sole requirement for a Divorce is an “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage”. This “breakdown” is established by the spouses having been separated for at least 12 months (which can include separation “under the [...]

Protecting Your Super Entitlement After Separation

6 February 2018

Superannuation often makes up a significant portion of the property available for distribution between separated spouses. When spouses are reaching retirement age and one makes a threat to unilaterally claim their super, urgent action is required. In these circumstances, the exposed party may need to urgently apply to the court for an injunction which: Prevents [...]

How Much Will I Get In A Property Settlement?

6 February 2018

Not surprisingly, one of the most common questions we get is what will someone’s entitlement in a property settlement be. The answer is: it will differ for everyone – but here is what you should consider. Working out a property settlement is unfortunately an inexact science, but it essentially involves four basic steps: Stage 1: [...]

Court Does Not Accept Teenagers Wishes – A Case Study

6 February 2018

Two teenage brothers aged 16 and 14, express their wishes to live with their father but the court says otherwise. The High Court has recently agreed with the Family Court in ordering that the 2 brothers, leave their father in New York and return to Australia despite their expressed wishes to the contrary. Background In [...]

New Book Just Released!

6 February 2018

We have updated our flagship publication “A Guide to Family Law – Everyday Answers”. Over the years we have printed over 150,000 copies of the Guide Book – which is always FREE! This invaluable resource includes information on children’s arrangements, child support and property division. It is a MUST read for anyone going through separation. [...]

Parenting Disputes – A Case Study: Which School is the Right School?

16 January 2018

Which school a child attends can be a difficult question for a court, as the facts of each case are always different. An Appeal Court recently considered such a case. The Facts The question was, what school the 6 year old child should commence Grade 1 at? The father wanted the child to continue at [...]

ALERT: New Procedure in the Federal Circuit Court from 1 January 2018 for Interim Applications

9 January 2018

The Federal Circuit Court has released a new practice direction for interim family law applications.    The procedure applies to all matters, including self-represented parties and commences from 1 January 2018. Here is a brief overview: The ‘practice direction’ notes that all interim court applications will now be dealt with in an “abridged and circumscribed manner”. [...]

Important Update: Nationwide Recognition of a Domestic Violence Order

9 January 2018

A Domestic Violence Order issued on or after 25 November 2017, will now automatically be recognised nationwide. This means that it is no longer the case that an aggrieved to a Domestic Violence Order will need to register that order in each State and or Territory which the person resides. For orders made before 25 [...]