About Reception

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So far Reception has created 205 blog entries.

Can I Move With The Children From Brisbane To The Gold Coast?

22 August 2017

This is a question that we are often asked. A recent case provides some insight on what the court thinks. When considering parenting matters, in the context of family law in Australia, one of the major issues to consider is whether the parents have equal shared parental responsibility. In the majority of cases parents [...]

“Is Travelling Overseas With My Child OK?”

11 August 2017

Separated parents are often faced with a situation where the other parent wishes to travel overseas with the child for the purposes of a holiday or visiting extended family.  This can make the non-travelling parent anxious about the safety of the child during the period of travel, whether the child will be returned to [...]

Announcement – New Directors

4 August 2017

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Tarah Tosh and Amy Honan as Directors.  Michael is proud to have Tarah and Amy join him as Directors of the firm. Both are dedicated to their clients and the client care culture that is Michael Lynch Family Lawyers. Amy is an Accredited Family Law Specialist [...]

Ordering Good Behaviour

31 July 2017

What can be done if one parent believes the other parent is behaving badly? The court has recently considered an application by a mother seeking an injunction that the father not be permitted to consume alcohol during any time that the child spends time with him. The Facts:  A consent order was already in [...]

Get The CSA To Collect Your Spouse Maintenance

30 June 2017

Not only does the CSA assess and collect child support, it can also collect spouse maintenance payments.  (For more see “The ‘How To’ Of Spouse Maintenance”.)  So how does that work? When a court order provides for the payment of spouse maintenance, the spouse who is entitled to receive the spousal maintenance can enlist the [...]

Who Is Qualified To Do A Family Report?

30 June 2017

An independent report that captures the personal interactions of parents and the wishes of children is a valuable document in the Family Court. So it isn’t surprising that there is sometimes an argument over who is suitable to prepare it. So who is? In disputes about the care arrangements for children, parents can agree that [...]

New Domestic Violence Laws

30 June 2017

The extensive changes made to the Domestic Violence laws in Queensland at the start of the year came into force on 30 May. Some of the changes include: Minimum 5 year orders instead of the previous 2 years. Cross applications are now heard at the same time, and Penalties for breaches increased from 3 years [...]

Accountants Webinar – Helpful Tips To Understanding Financial Support

23 June 2017

Financial support after separation comes in different forms – not only is there child support and spouse maintenance, there is also scope for the financial support for children over 18yrs! Each of these areas are complex and frequently misunderstood and Accountants are often on the front line in getting questions about it. To watch [...]

Counsellors Webinar – Considering Children’s Wishes In The Family Court

7 June 2017

The webinar for counsellors will tell how old does a child need to be before their wishes are heard? It also answers the most commonly asked question in Family Law: What are some of the common mythologies surrounding children’s wishes? How does children’s wishes fit into the legislative framework? How are children’s wishes captured [...]

Limits On Ordering Super Cash Payout

29 May 2017

Can a spouse be ordered by a court to make a cash payment out of their superannuation? As tempting as it may be in some circumstances, the answer is “no”, as a trial judge recently found out. The Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act governs the operation of superannuation funds in Australia and provides specific and detailed [...]