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So far Reception has created 205 blog entries.

The Why and How of a Paternity Test

6 March 2017

Who is the child's father is not always something that is agreed upon. DNA and evidence of parentage is important when a mother wants to register an application with the Child Support Agency (Department of Human Services (Child Support)) (“the CSA”). The CSA will refuse an application if a parent is not listed on the [...]

Mother says she Can’t Cope with Father Seeing Child

6 March 2017

The court recently considered an application by a father for parenting arrangements. The court made orders that the mother have sole parental responsibility and that the child spend no time with the father. The court found that the mother’s lack of ability to cope with the child spending time with the father was, among other [...]


6 March 2017

Recently we have updated our flagship publication “A Guide to Family Law- Everyday Answers”. Over the years, we have printed over 140,000 copies of the Guide Book - which has always been provided to our clients and other people who request the book FREE of charge! This invaluable resource includes information on children’s arrangements, [...]

Which school is the right school?

17 January 2017

Which school a child attends can be a difficult question for a court, as the facts of each case are always different. An Appeal Court recently considered such a case. The Facts The question was, what school the 6 year old child should commence Grade 1 at? The father wanted the child to continue [...]

Relocating with the children

22 December 2016

It is not uncommon, after a relationship breaks down, for one party to want to relocate to another city or state with the children, at the objection of the other party. Often, the decision will be made unilaterally by one parent without consultation or agreement with the other and it is then left to [...]

Beware Micromanaging in Parenting Orders

20 December 2016

Whether to have limited wording in a court order or a detailed court order is often the dilemma separated parents face when looking to document the arrangements for their children. The court’s view is that a minimalist approach should be taken unless there are special circumstances. The court recently considered a case involving a [...]

New Family Law Initiative

29 November 2016

The Federal Government recently announced an initiative directed at addressing the empowerment of parents to resolve family law disputes without resorting to litigation and use of the court system. The government’s new publication ‘Parenting Orders: What you need to know’ developed by family law expert Professor Richard Chisholm AM is designed to assist parents going [...]

Women’s Legal Service’s White Ribbon Breakfast

18 November 2016

Staff at Michael Lynch Family Lawyers and guests attended the Legal Profession White Ribbon Breakfast at City Hall yesterday. Many moving speeches including guest speaker Tara Moss. The breakfast successfully raised over $100k for Women’s Legal Service. Well Done!

Step-parent contact – a case study

14 November 2016

The court recently considered a parenting matter involving (2) children where the father was the biological father of one child, and the step-father of the other child. The father was seeking time with both children. The father started a relationship with the mother when the step-child was one month old, and had lived with [...]

Counsellors Webinar – Parenting After Separation and Mediation

25 October 2016

Counsellors are often faced with the challenge of working with people through divorce, and consequently the impact it can have on their children. This webinar will guide you through various situations that your clients may encounter and provide insight and answers into some of the family law challenges. This will help you and your [...]