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So far Reception has created 205 blog entries.

Child support arrangements with New Zealand

11 April 2022

The Department of Human Services (Child Support Agency) (DHS) in Australia, formerly known as the Child Support Agency, have an agreement with their counterpart organisation in New Zealand, the New Zealand Inland Revenue (NZIR) in relation to the collection of child support. This agreement allows both departments to collect and distribute child support payments [...]

Court Can Stop Erratic Spending

9 February 2022

A wife - who found out her separated husband had been splurging their assets on prostitutes, gambling, drugs and shares - has had to get a court order to stop the spree. The husband had bipolar disorder, he was even trading in shares from his bed in a hospital psychiatric unit after attempting suicide, [...]

What happens to super during a divorce?

10 January 2022

We all know the importance of superannuation and saving for retirement. But what happens to that hard-earned super if you’re going through a divorce? Firstly, it’s important to remember that superannuation is defined as “property” under the Family Law Act and can be counted as part of a property settlement. Getting information To overcome [...]

Who Stays In The House?

10 January 2022

Following separation if a couple is unable to live separated ‘under the one roof’ and cannot reach agreement for one of them to leave the house, who stays? Either of them can apply to the court to obtain an order for exclusive occupancy. A recent case provides a useful insight into how to determine [...]

Child support and school fees – who pays?

7 January 2022

Is an asset of the marriage out of reach of the Family Court?

30 November 2021

When separation occurs spouses must turn their minds to, what makes up their property pool for division? It may be a surprise to some people to learn that almost all assets, whether held jointly, solely or in company or even Trust names may be considered to part of the matrimonial property pool. If a [...]

What happens in a defacto property settlement?

23 November 2021

Are you in a defacto relationship? Have you separated and not sure how property should be divided? It’s important to get Family Law advice early, but here are some of the basics you need to know. What is a de facto Relationship? Under the Family Law Act a person is in a de facto relationship with [...]

Is An Insurance Claim Property In Family Law?

5 October 2021

Q: Is an insurance claim 'property' in family law? A: The short answer is yes, it can be. An insurance claim is money that can be recovered and although not strictly 'property' it is treated in the same manner. An insurance claim is a right to sue. Often the trouble with a right to [...]

If I see a solicitor does that mean I will go to Court?

8 September 2021

Q: If I see a solicitor, does that mean I will go to court? A: No, in fact seeing a solicitor for family law advice at the earliest opportunity may avoid (or bring an end to) contested court proceedings. Seeking the advice of a family lawyer is the best way to arm yourself with [...]

Considering Children’s Wishes In A Divorce

24 August 2021

In situations where parents separate, children will often have opinions on what they want to do, who they want to live with and when they want to spend time with each parent. When should a child’s wishes be acted upon by the court? The Family Law Act is silent as to what age a [...]