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So far Reception has created 205 blog entries.

My Child hasn’t come home – Now What?

30 November 2020

As we approach the end of the school year parents with custody agreements in place will be making plans for summer holidays. What happens if the other parent fails to return your child on time? Quick steps can be taken to ensure your child is located and returned to you. Parents can seek a [...]

DNA Testing – Obtaining A Court Order

12 October 2020

The Appeal Court of the Family Court recently considered an appeal by the husband against the trial judge’s decision refusing to order DNA testing to establish parentage of a child. The facts were: The parties were married and there was one child born during the marriage. At the date of trial the child was [...]

What if you don’t like a judge’s order?

17 August 2020

Every day the Family Court makes decisions in all sorts of cases.  Many people are dissatisfied with the decisions the court makes.  For those that are dissatisfied, what options do they have? After the determination of a hearing, whether it is an interim or final hearing a party may appeal the decision.  The appeal [...]

What if a parent dies before parenting arrangements are finalised?

3 August 2020

An unfortunate but sometimes real situation is when parents are in dispute in court about arrangements for their children and one of the parents dies. What happens then? It’s not what you might automatically assume. A recent court case considered such an issue.  In that case, the parents were in court disputing the parenting [...]

Treatment of a Large Inheritance in a Property Settlement – What Can Happen

22 June 2020

The court recently had to consider how to treat a large inheritance received by the wife during the relationship. In particular, the court had to consider whether those assets should be excluded and quarantined from distribution, or whether everything should be included in the pool available to distribute. The facts: The wife received an [...]

Who Stays In The House?

27 April 2020

Following separation if a couple is unable to live separated ‘under the one roof’ and cannot reach agreement for one of them to leave the house, either of them can apply to the Family Court to obtain an order for exclusive occupancy. A recent case provides a useful insight into how to determine an [...]

What Happens To Post-Separation Redundancy Payments?

27 April 2020

Does a redundancy payment received after separation get included in a property settlement?  The Family Court recently considered the question where the wife argued that she and the husband had contributed equally to the husband’s redundancy that was received post-separation. What did the court decide? The couple had been together for 19 years. During [...]

How is a divorce settlement worked out?

14 April 2020

At the time of a separation from your spouse or partner the question you might be asking yourself is “what is the property settlement process after separation?” or “how much will I get?” The property settlement process can take place any time after separation has occurred, you don’t have to wait for a divorce. [...]

How to Get Your Child Returned

6 January 2020

Your child has been on holiday time with their other parent, but hasn't been returned to you as agreed. What do you do? Steps can be taken, and quickly, to ensure their recovery and return to you. Here’s what they are: Recovery Order: There is a recovery process, under the Family Law Act, if [...]

When Does Child Support Stop?

17 December 2019

When does Child Support stop? The Child Support Act sets out the few events that will terminate a Child Support assessment, some of them include: If the CSA has accepted a Child Support agreement where both parents have agreed that payments should cease on a specified date; or If the parents have reconciled for [...]