Michael Lynch Family Lawyers launches new parental leave policy
Fourteen weeks paid parental leave for the primary carer and up to four weeks’ pay for the secondary carer are key features of the new parental leave initiative by Galleon Law Group (GLG). As this growing Brisbane-based law group recognises the vital role families play in Australian society, their new Parental Leave Policy commences in August 2022.
The new policy is available to all permanent employees of the existing GLG brands, including Michael Lynch Family Lawyers. Employees may also be eligible for one of two types of government funded pay during part of their parental leave.
GLG is proud to have a large female workforce, having over 60% representation in all levels of the business. This policy intends to provide support and security for young families as they navigate their career and family life.
With its strong focus on providing a work-life balance to its current and potential employees, full terms and conditions are outlined in a corporate Parental Leave Policy provided to all the employees this month. These changes are a positive step in our approach to parental leave and to supporting families of the employees across the Group, reflecting our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and putting the wellbeing of our people first.