Quick tips – practical tips to surviving separation
So, you and your spouse have decided to separate – what comes next?
The first thing you should do is make a plan, even if the split is amicable.
Here’s our “quick tips” on what to do if you have just separated.
- Start a diary. Take notes and keep everything that happens between the two of you written down.
- Change your passwords. For everything! Banking, social media, phones, online government services; you name it, change it. Right now.
- Take your valuable items and put them somewhere safe. Maybe a friend or family member could store them for you.
- Open a new, separate bank account.
- Consider if you should stop any automatic joint payments.
- Update your Will and revoke any power of attorney arrangements you have had in place.
- If it’s safe to do so, start negotiating with your ex-partner. Talk about where you and any children or pets are going to live, how you’re going to divide your finances. And don’t forget tip number one – take notes of all the negotiations.
- If the other party has moved out, consider changing the locks.
- If you’re the one who is moving out, consider removing your name from any utility accounts – electricity, water, internet, or council rates.
- Contact your child’s school and let them know what’s happening at home.
- If you have children, be aware that both parents must provide financially for your child.
- Contact Centrelink and let them know your change of circumstances.
- Domestic violence has a broad definition, it is much more than physical violence, it includes harassment, intimidation and emotional and financial abuse. Any form of domestic violence is unacceptable.
- Look after yourself; if you need emotional and mental health help, speak with a counsellor.
- Get your own specialist Family Law advice, don’t follow the experience of others. If you have an agreement, look at how that might be documented. At the least, develop a plan for moving forward.
Would you like more details? Contact Michael Lynch Family Lawyers on: (07) 3221 4300 or email: law@mlynch.com.au Our team of family law experts are here to guide you through this time in your life.