Relationships and Wills
It is important to be aware of the effect of relationships upon a Will, particularly whether the relationship is a marriage or a de facto relationship.
Marriage revokes a Will, unless the Will is made in contemplation of marriage, but the commencement of a de facto relationship has no such impact on a Will.
Divorce revokes any gift to a former marital spouse under a Will, but breakdown of a de facto relationship does not.
There is a lot of confusion and speculation surrounding Wills and relationships, and it is important to remember that no one situation is the same as another. If you have been speaking to a friend or family member about this topic, you may find that they have conflicting information to what you could learn from another person. If you are entering in to a marriage or ending one, it is important to get professional legal advice specific to your unique situation. The team at Michael Lynch Family Lawyers do not specialise in Wills and Estate law, and we do not write Wills. However we do have extensive experience in helping people understand when Wills are impacted by relationships and work through what needs to be done in each unique situation to ensure your interests are protected.
If you have any queries surrounding Wills and your relationship situation, please contact us to speak to one of our Accredited Specialists in Family Law.