What is confidential?
Have you recently separated? Have you been to see a Counsellor?
Many people believe that their private counselling discussions are confidential.
The reality is – most are not.
It is important during a separation that spouses seek professional support and talk through their issues either together or individually. If repair can’t be brought to the relationship, counselling will usually improve communications and in so doing lessen the stress of arrangements for the spouses and the children.
Only solicitors, mediators and a limited number of counsellors have legally enforceable confidentially. If legal confidentially is not available, then the discussions someone has with an expert – and the notes that are taken and all documents provided to them, whether it be a counsellor, doctor, psychologist or accountant, can be obtained by the court under subpoena.
There are ways of reducing your risk of exposure but still be able to take advantage of counselling services. It is important to obtain specialist Family Law advice, as soon as possible.
Each matter is unique and needs to be addressed according to your personal circumstances and needs. To speak with one of our experienced family lawyers, please contact our Brisbane office today. Call us on (07) 3221 4300 to organise a no-obligation initial appointment at a fixed-cost. We will be happy to assist in person, over the phone or by Skype.